Privacy Policy
Respecting the privacy of those young mother and babies in our care is of utmost priority. Please read our client privacy policy.
Privacy Statement
The Abiona Centre is committed to respecting your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information while striving to provide you with the best care or services possible.
i. We have clear responsibility for personal information.
Abiona Centre is responsible for the information it holds about you and has policies about the confidentiality of this information.
ii. We are clear about why we collect information from you.
Abiona Centre collects information about you so that we can: provide care or services to you; evaluate, manage and plan our services; and meet our legal requirements.
iii. We work in a team model where residential counselors, intake workers, registered nurses, social workers, program coordinators EarlyON, registered early childhood educators, community workers and a variety of skilled staff at our Centre are part of providing high quality services to you and to the community. Your information may be shared among staff of the Centre who are involved in your care in order to be able to help you most effectively.
iv. We ask for your consent (agreement) to collect, use and share your personal information.
Every client/patient (or his/her legally authorized representative) of our Centre will sign an agreement about how we can use his/her personal information.
v. We will limit the collection of personal information.
Abiona Centre will only collect information that is necessary to provide good service to you and to our community and to meet our legal and funding obligations.
vi. We use personal information only for the purposes you have agreed to unless the use or sharing is permitted or required by law.
Abiona Centre will not use your information for purposes other than care or services to you, or evaluation, managing and planning of services unless you agree or unless we are required by law
vii. We take steps to safeguard your personal information.
Abiona Centre will protect your information and ensure its privacy.
viii. You can ask about our privacy policies and practices. A staff person at the Centre will provide you with information about our policies and practices related to the management of personal information if you ask (we will respond within a reasonable period of time).
ix. You have a right to know what personal information we hold about you and you can ask to see your records. You have the right to access the information we have about you. You can do this by writing us a note and signing it and within 30 days we will make your information available.
x. We respond to concerns and questions.
If you have questions or concerns about the way Abiona Centre is carrying out these principles please contact:
Bhanu Raja, Director of Finance and Administration: 416-425-6348 or

"Abiona Centre not only gave me the ability to care for my child, but the motivation to get what I wanted for my life - to have my daughter with me and to live independently."
Abiona Centre is a client-centred infant and early childhood mental health organization which supports pregnant and parenting adolescents, aged 13 – 25.