Maternal Infant Mental Health (MIMH)
Maternal Infant Mental Health services promote optimal child and youth mental health and well-being by focusing on the health and wellness of the family as a whole. We welcome all families and caregivers with children from 0 to 5 years old, who reside in the GTA. Most services are available on-line now and we hope that soon we will be able to offer in-person services.
When parents are engaged with our services, the children’s outcome include an increased sense of security and self-esteem, the ability to form satisfying relationships, to engage with the world, to learn, cope and problem solve, and to continue positive development throughout life. An evaluation of the child’s overall developmental needs is conducted and staff collaborate with other professionals to help the family decide on the most appropriate internal or external services they can access.
Register here for multiple services or register for individual programs below.
The Kuumba Project: Developmental Screenings
These screenings are for all children from 1 month to 5 years old, using Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ). Children identified as being moderate to high-risk for developmental delays will receive developmental support plans and support. Register here.
The HomeNest program offers services for children aged 0-6 years and their parents under the age of 25, in their homes and community. HomeNest follows the high-fidelity WrapAround model to guide a family on a journey of breaking down life goals into smaller steps to create achievable action plans to ensure success. The WrapAround process works to build a team made up of supports within the family’s community. The process then empowers this team to come together to achieve the family’s goals in various life areas. Register here.
Baby Love
Baby Love: Supporting Infant Security is a weekly program to promote secure attachment between child and caregiver. Throughout the year, we offer group and individual programs to families with babies up to 15 months old. Register here.

"Abiona Centre not only gave me the ability to care for my child, but the motivation to get what I wanted for my life - to have my daughter with me and to live independently."
Abiona Centre is a client-centred infant and early childhood mental health organization which supports pregnant and parenting adolescents, aged 13 – 25.