New Lives Start Here
New Lives Start Here is a transitional housing and education program for young moms who are:
• between 18 and 25 years old
• registered in or committed to completing postsecondary education or training
• sole support and parenting one or two children who are under six years old
• live in a furnished two-bedroom townhouse (rent based on income) for up to four years
• receive ongoing support to access funding for your education and training
• have access to parenting programs, counselling, early learning and nursing support
• have access to onsite childcare for your child or children
• have access to volunteer tutors

"Abiona Centre not only gave me the ability to care for my child, but the motivation to get what I wanted for my life - to have my daughter with me and to live independently."
Abiona Centre is a client-centred infant and early childhood mental health organization which supports pregnant and parenting adolescents, aged 13 – 25.