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Kuumba – to always to do as much as we can, in the way we can, so we can leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it – is one of the Nguzo Saba principles that aim to centre the needs of the Black community.

Using creative ways to engage, the Kuumba Project, led by Abiona Centre, supports the mental health and developmental needs of Black and African Canadian children.

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A girl and a boy
A mother and a girl

What is The Kuumba Project?

An innovative way to focus on the mental well-being of Black children from birth until Grade 1, The Kuumba Project was developed by Abiona Centre, an accredited children’s mental health organization with deep roots in the community. One of the Centre’s priorities is to build a sense of belonging through supporting children and their parents, caregivers, and teachers. Learn more here.

All parents want what is best for their children. All parents want to protect their children – but we all need a village of support to help.

Research shows the first few years of life are one of the most critical time periods in child development and learning as well as being fundamental to the health, wellbeing, and overall success of children.

A mother and a girl
Did you know more than 1 million connections are made between brain cells every second in the early years of life? By the time your child is 18 months old, most of their brain is already hardwired. [Source: Harvard University, Centre on the Developing Child]
A girl and a boy

Everyone prioritizes youth and young adult mental health, but we know young children (from birth to age 6) experience mental health challenges and can suffer long-term effects.
Through our screening, we can help support your infant or child’s mental health and developmental needs.

Kids need to be physically, emotionally, and mentally healthy from day one. Give your child a strong start to a healthier future.

A baby girl and a boy

How does The Kuumba Project work?

Did you know that developmental screenings are an important first step in identifying children with delays or developmental issues before they begin the first grade? With screening tools, we can identify and prevent problems before they worsen.

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    The Kuumba Project team creates partnerships with schools, facilitating connection to families. Families can also contact the Kuumba Project directly for support.

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  • 2. A clipboard icon

    Parents/guardians complete the Ages & Stages Questionnaire, identifying strengths and concerns with your child's development.

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  • 3. A phone icon

    Kuumba Project staff contacts parents/guardians to discuss results.

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    Kuumba Project staff creates an individualized plan with tools and strategies to help your child succeed.

You, the Kuumba team, and any others you agree to, will have access to your child's information. Participating in the Kuumba Project won't negatively affect your child in the future.

Who are we?

Kuumba Project logo
Abiona Centre logo

The Kuumba Project is delivered by Abiona Centre and is funded by the Ministry of Health through Lumenus. Since 2009, Massey Centre has provided infant and early mental health services to the community. Currently, the Centre leads the East York Infant Mental Health Community Table.

Abiona Centre works closely with Infant and Early Mental Health Promotion, SickKids, The City of Toronto 0-6 Network, and a variety of community and mental health agencies in Toronto.

Building relationships and your trust is essential to supporting your family. Our goal is to create an inclusive, belonging environment by being transparent about how we can help and what we are doing to support you and your child.

A family photo with children

Support your child's Mental Health

Every child deserves the best start in life and ensuring they are mentally well is a step in the right direction.

All questions are welcome. Contact us at or 416-425-6348 ext 226.

A family photo with children